16 November 2015 - OPENING RECEPTION

London School of Economics - LSE

Young Austria EXHIBITION

To mark the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Austria

the Art Association Kunstplatzl invited to events

Austrian Refugees in Britain:
The Fight Against Fascism in WWII

Patrons: Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to UK

Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the Anglo-Austrian Society

Photos: Hans Fleischner and Sonja & Martin Frank

LSE Arts; London, Nov. 2015, photo by Martin Frank


Martin Frank; photo by Hans Fleischner


Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015, photo by Sonja Frank


Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015, photo by Sonja Frank


Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015, photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, H. Kluger-Langer, L. Nitsch-Spira, T. Frischauer, Nov. 2015, photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Dr. Marietta Bearman, Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015, Sonja Frank and
Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to United Kingdom; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015, photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, E. Spira and S. Frank, Nov. 2015; photo by Martin Frank

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015;
Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to United Kingdom; photo by Martin Frank

Young Austria exhibition,
Andrea Kucera, Nov. 2015; photo by Martin Frank

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Sonja Frank and former Young Austrian N. Miller, L. Smither, Nov. 2015, photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Prof. Charmian Brinson, Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to UK, Nov. 2015, photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the Anglo-Austrian Society (left); photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the Anglo-Austrian Society, Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Dr. M. Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to UK (left),
M. Jernej (ACF), S. Frank (publisher), F. Kent (artist), Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015; photo by Martin Frank

Young Austria exhibition at the London School of Economics,
l. to r.: Sonja Frank (publisher Young Austria book), Dir. Elisabeth Kögler (Director Austrian Cultural Forum), Dr. M. Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador to UK presenting the Commemorative Plaque for the former Austrian Centre in Paddington,
Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the Anglo-Austrian Society, Dr. Marietta Bearman and Prof. Charmian Brinson (Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies), November 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner


Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015; photo by Hans Fleischner

Young Austria exhibition, Nov. 2015, photo by Sonja Frank

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18 December 2015 - KunstPlatz