of the Liberation of Austria
Art Association Kunstplatzl
invites to events
Austrian Refugees in Britain:
The Fight Against Fascism in WWII
Dr. Martin Eichtinger,
Austrian Ambassador to UK
Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the
Anglo-Austrian Society
Austria Book Launch
Film Screening
Cultural Forum
28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ
11 November 6.30-8.30
of the Young Austria book in German (632 pages) and DVD,
and the English edition with illustrated colour pages,
stories, as well as exhibition panels.
be opened at 6: 45 pm by Mrs. Elisabeth Koegler,
Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum and by
the guest of honour Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the
Anglo-Austrian Society.
will be a screening of the short film Young Austria, followed
by talks by Prof. Charmian Brinson, Imperial College,
London, and Dr. Marietta Bearman (Research Centre of German
and Austrian Exile Studies) from London, as well as Sonja
Frank from Vienna, publisher of the Young Austria documentation
and her colleague Albert Hirl.
talks will focus on the young refugees from Austria and
their fight against fascism for the liberation of Austria
and on the process of documenting the Young Austria story.
and Program:
Ms. Elisabeth Kögler
Mr. Robin O'Neill
Film screening:
Young Austria Film
by Kurt Blenz
Sonja Frank and Albert Hirl
Prof. Charmian Brinson and Dr. Marietta Bearman
Venue & Info:
Austrian Cultural Forum
28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ
T +44 (0)20 7225 7300; office@acflondon.org
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Austria Exhibition
Presentation of the
Commemorative Plaque
School of Economics
Atrium Gallery, Old Building,
Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE.
16 Nov.
are welcome
17 Nov - 11 Dec 2015
Monday-Friday between 10am and 8pm.
To be
opened at 7:20 pm
by the guest of honour Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Austrian Ambassador,
Mr. Robin O'Neill, Chairman of the Anglo-Austrian Society Dr.
Marietta Bearman and Prof. Charmian Brinson (Imperial College, London)
and Sonja Frank, Vienna, publisher of the Young Austria documentation.
On this
occassion we present the Commemorative Plaque
for the building of the Austrian Centre as well as the historical-biographical
exhibition of the former exile organisation Young Austria.
exhibition portrays members and their families and their political
and cultural activities. Photographs show them also as members of
the British Army and the Auxiliary Territorial Service
and other war workers. The exhibition displays, organised by topic,
include biographical information and explanations of the photographs
and the other images. Some of the material is unique and unpublished
and thus an important resource for students and historians.
Frank (Vienna), granddaughter of two members of Young Austria, and
publisher of Young Austria, Austrians
in British Exile 1938 - 1947, For a Free, Democratic and Independent
Austria, has organised an exhibition about the exile
organisation Young Austria in Great Britain, with support from Dr.
Marietta Bearman and Prof. Charmian Brinson (Imperial College, London).
the outbreak of the Second World War, the Kindertransport brought
10,000 children from Austria, Germany and Czechoslovakia to Britain.
Many children from the Kindertransport became members of Young
Austria between 1939 and 1947. Young Austria was the most important
organisation for young Austrian refugees in Britain while Austria
was part of the National Socialist "Third Reich".
Anlässlich 70
Jahre nach der Befreiung Österreichs
lädt der Verein KunstPlatzl zu folgenden Veranstaltungen
und Buchpräsentation
der englischen Ausgabe des Young Austria Buches
29. November 2015 von 15:00 18:00 h
Wien 3, Neulinggasse 34 36,
1030 Wien
ab 15:30h
Young Austria Film von Kurt Blenz, Vortrag und Lesung:
Sonja Frank, Albert Hirl, Uli Makomaski und Konstantin Kaiser
Andrea Kucera und Martin Frank
Young Austria Buch englischsprachig, 196 Seiten, A4 4-färbig
Young Austria Buch in Deutsch, 632 Seiten, sw/weiß,
davon 16 Seiten 4-färbig, plus DVD mit ZeitzeugInnen-Interviews
YOUNG AUSTRIA, Österreichische
Flüchtlinge in Großbritannien
im Kampf gegen den Faschismus im 2. Weltkrieg
Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Österreichischer Botschafter
Robin O'Neill, Anglo-Austrian Society
Young Austria Buch-
und Filmpräsentation
Nov. 18:30
Austrian Cultural Forum 28 Rutland
Gate, London SW7 1PQ
Präsentation der 2. erweiterten Auflage des Young Austria Buches
in Deutsch (632 Seiten, DVD mit Zeitzeugen-Interviews) und der 1.
Auflage in Englisch, vierfärbige mit illustrierten Geschichten
von Young Austrians und Ausstellungstafeln
-------- --------
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
16. Nov.
- 11. Dez. 2015
London School of Economics
Atrium Gallery, Old Building, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE
16 November
freier Eintritt: 17 Nov - 11 Dez.
2015 Mo. - Fr. zwischen 10 und 20 Uhr
Young Austria (YA) encouraged its members to serve with the British
Armed Forces, and several hundred did so. 95% of its members were
active in the war effort and 80% were trade union members. The Choir
of Young Austria and the Austrian Players performed for a total
of 40,000 visitors (cf. Young Austria No. 17., 24 August
Young Austria functionaries had been born in the Austro-Hungarian
Empire and they worked together with Czech refugees and former Spanish
Civil War fighters (International Brigades). Many functionaries
of the organisation had been persecuted as Communists and Jews in
Austria, and in the 1930s, especially during the period of Austrofascism
(1934-38), they had been active in resistance efforts against National
Socialism. In Britain they actively supported the British war effort.
Many members of the Free Austrian Movement were supported by the
Czech Refugee Trust Fund. Soon after the end of the war, about 300
members of the organisation returned to Austria, and from the 1950s
onwards, many of those who had returned to Austria left the Communist
Party (because of Soviet actions in Eastern Europe).
May 2010 approximately 30 former members of Young Austria celebrated
the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Austria, and former YA
member Erich Herzl began with the documentation of Young Austria's
history. Sonja Frank and her arts association KunstPlatzl have collected
many photographs, obituaries and life stories and have conducted
oral history interviews.The President of the Austrian National Assembly,
Mag. Barbara Prammer (1954-2014) wrote: "The
Republic of Austria is obliged to thank the Young Austrians deeply
for standing up unconditionally for a free, democratic and independent
& Info: London School of Economics, Atrium Gallery, Old
Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE.